New Website for relaunch of STEAM Executive

A New Website for a New Time
Pivoting a Business
STEAM Executive are a highly experienced business coaching others in finding their strengths, assist with business process management and supplier of IT Services for corporate businesses. Time have changed for STEAM and their two businesses requiring them to relaunch their online presence and move to new business models to keep up with the ever changing technology scene.
- Complete Relaunch of STEAM Executive and STEAM Computer businesses
- Access to online bookings and new offerings
- Update the delivery of courses from onsite training to online student learning systems.
Challenges and Objectives
Before we partnered together to refresh the businesses websites, the challenges faced by STEAM were an outdated, retired platform from the provider which made it extremely difficult to manage, even just to do a simple update. The websites were very dated, and did not look professional considering the business esteem. The messages were misaligned and the user experience was challenging.
The objectives of working with STEAM was a multi-phased approach to refreshing their website presence, the user experience and the messages conveyed to the customer. We also had objectives of migrating from the retired platform to WordPress which is modern, and current and fit the business model with extensions for future objectives such as moving online for training, and an ecommerce platform for the computers business for sales of hardware and software.
We had determined WordPress was the most flexible, current offering many pathways to extending the platform to meet the objectives of the business.
How our Services Helped STEAM’s objectives
Initially we begin with a consultation with the customer to build a list of requirements, which includes an audit, business priorities, the current solution, and the desired outcomes which are prioritised and all developed into a Project Scope, and the process begins on the design and development requirements.
We then take the requirements and scope and select the best solutions on offer by software providers, we do this because if it exists we do not have to build it, why reinvent the wheel, so we find the best extensions for your build. After this we write either a proposal or quote for the customer.
Our initial consult helps the customer a) get to know more about us and feel comfortable with working with us and b) a good brainstorming session for building out the objectives.
We help by getting the technical requirements and stitch them to your business requirements.
Our Results
After a week or two of putting together the requirements, the design process begins. We take all the audit information, business goals and competitor websites also websites they like and start fleshing out the design plans. We always start with planning the technology, the WordPress platform, and we have standard extensions we add-on, and we look at what gaps there are, if any existing systems can fit the requirement of custom development is required. 80% of the time there is a technology we can implement that exists, it is not very often we custom code anything beyond the front end design.
After the platform is planned and implemented we turn to the front end design. Taking leads from websites that the customer really likes, to competitors so we can understand the business space and be competitive while standing out.
After the design phase we move into QA (Quality Assurance) which means testing, lots of testing on mobile, tablet and desktop. This takes time and results in bugs to be fixed, typo issues and any last minute design mods.
Finally we promote the website to production. Then the really hard work starts, getting people to visit your website! There are methods we provide in the platform to make this easier and integrate with major search engines, also during the design we implement Local SEO techniques such as Heading, Keywords etc.
While we have provided a slick, professional website for the customer, we need to help them create their web presence which means marketing specialists, both in traditional and online marketing such as Cost Per Click campaigns, and Social Media Management.
Future Plans
We have a very close relationship with STEAM executive, we are expanding services offered and tweaking all the time to enhance and bring in the customers. We also have built STEAM Computer and shortly implementing eCommerce for the Computer business.
We love working with STEAM and long into the future. Thank you STEAM Executive for choosing us, your #1 WordPress Specialist for Macarthur.